Yasmin Vossoughian Reports : MSNBCW : October 30, 2021 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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order today! experience all the nba action with xfinity x1 - track stats and scores while watching your team live. to upgrade, just say nba league pass into your voice remote or go online today. ♪♪ good afternoon, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian. coming to you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, where we have a lot going on, as you can hear this afternoon. the president at a crucial international meeting overseas as news is breaking back home over a potential vote on the bills that could define his first term. new reporting today on the january 6th capitol hill riots and what a key trump administration figure was doing on that day. down to the wire this weekend in the virginia governor's race. we're going to take you live to the campaign trail on this last

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weekend to round up votes. plus, new details on the deadly shooting on an alec baldwin film and what it could mean for any potential legal cases. as early as this week, vaccines could be available to kids as young as 5. we're going to dive into the effort to convince parents to get their kids the shot. next hour, victory for a woman and child we told you about last week. danielle miller is going to join me live after a federal judge sided with her nonbinary child. you won't want to miss her reaction to the news. awant to start with live pictures of the president and first lady at the g-20 summit, attending a dinner this evening after an incredibly long day, a sit-down with boris johnson, along with french president emmanuel macron in which they talked about re-entering the iran nuclear deal in hopes that,

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in fact, iran will cooperate. taking a break this evening, to sit down likely over dinner and co*cktails to have more of an informal conversation over many things when it comes to climate change, along with economic development. so we're going to be talking about this a lot over the next two hours ahead. and we're beginning also with the breaking news out of washington, d.c., where house democrats are looking for a tuesday vote on both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the build back better reconciliation bill. this is all coming as president biden wraps up a busy first day of talks as i mentioned at the g-20. joining me now is mike memoli and keir simmons. i would love to know what they're eating, by the way. i'm always fascinated by the menu at these things. what type of cuisine are they accommodating with, or is it, of

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course, italian cuisine. that aside, mike, let's talk about the ambitious timeline when it comes to the vote. tuesday, right, they're talking infrastructure, build back better, to get it over the finish line come tuesday. are there concerns the deadline could once again be pushed back if house democrats don't find the votes? >> reporter: as we saw the pictures there, the italian prime minister, the italian president welcoming president biden and the first lady to the presidential palace here in rome. there's a very full plate for the president both domestically and here overseas. yes, while the president has been working hard here to repair some of the alliances here and strengthening them, on a key security issue, white house officials have been behind the scenes remaining in close touch with democratic allies on capitol hill and this is a breakthrough, the fact that the democrats in the house are now poised to have a vote on both the bipartisan infrastructure

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bill and the reconciliation bill on tuesday. but we've been through this movie before. we've seen votes called and votes postponed. what seems different is what the president did he r before he left for rome on wednesday which was get the framework onto paper. there is legislative text now and it seems that one of the issues that the president was having was a lack of trust between progressives and moderates. we want to move ahead with a vote, only when we know the other side is willing to commit to our side of the issue. that appears to be moving forward. you're hearing from both the progressive caucus and the new democrats, sort of moderate caucus within the house, that they're both on board with this strategy. that still leaves keersen sin ma and joe manchin. that would ramp up the pressure on the democratic senators who

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have been the holdouts here, who have been the sticking points to get with the program or else it's notable that this vote would be happening on election day in virginia, a race we've been spending a lot of time focused on to see where things move forward. >> we're going to talk about all of that coming up as well. let's talk about how the president is being received. this has been a big day for the president both told and yesterday, meeting with angela merkel, emmanuel macron, boris johnson. the iran nuclear deal. the likelihood of that is a larger conversation. how is the president being received right now, especially considering we're almost a year past the trump administration? >> reporter: yeah, and also considering, yasmin, all of the diplomatic issues that have been over the past few months, the withdrawal from afghanistan, the argument with the french over the nuclear submarine deal for australia. the president, i think, will be

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pleased with the day today with this agreement on a minimum global tax threshold. that was something the white house wanted. this agreement on more vaccines for covid, particularly for poorer countries around the world. that was something that the white house wanted. so, i guess, in terms of announcements and measures, it's looking pretty positive. i didn't look great for the president to arrive on the world stage, appearing not to agree with his own party. interestingly, one senior europe diplomat told me in the past 24 hours that they were convinced, actually, that the president would get the build back better act passed. that's important because part of that act is the climate change measures that he hopes to kind of bring with him for the big climate change conference that he now goes onto in scotland. it looks good. interesting thing on the iran deal, yasmin, i think, actually, despite the fact that in the past few hours, we heard the news from the europeans and

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americans, that may be one of the trickiest aspects at all, those negotiations with iran are very, very difficult. it is nuclear brinkmanship and there's no necessary certainty that there will be a deal. >> and we well know, iran can oftentimes be its worst enemy. keir, i'm curious, how are leaders perceiving what's happening domestically? who are they placing the blame on when it comes to getting infrastructure and build back better across the finish line. is it president, democrats, republicans? are they kind of up to speed on the nuances of what's happening here at home? >> reporter: well, clearly, i mean there will be americans who don't know the details of those bills. plainly, many europeans won't know the details. as i said the impression of a democratic president struggling with his own party, be it progressives or whoever within the party, that is clearly not a great impression. listen, i would say this,

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though, there's another side to this which is that the chinese president xi jingping isn't here. president putin isn't here in person. they spoke to the g-20 here by video. but that's interesting. i think that's given the president of the united states something of an open runway because the impression is of president biden and other democratic leaders kind of leading the way, i think the chinese, in particular, will be thinking about the impression there are a lot of domestic issues in china that president xi is concerned with. but this impression that in a way china was kind of putting up the drawbridge a little bit, i suspect some chinese diplomats won't like that. >> who, by the way, right, chinese leaders, russian leaders, needing to be on board when it comes to getting back into the jcpoa. and that's in order to get iran back on board, to be part of the folks who are convincing iran to cooperate. thank you to you both, guys. appreciate your reporting on this.

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>> you bet. >> coming up perspective from evelyn farkas. she's going to join me live with how biden's domestic policies are impacting the president abroad. i want to get to new developments related to the january 6th attack on capitol hill as well. "the washington post" reporting that during the riot a trump attorney john eastman sent an email to then vice president mike pence's team while pence was in hiding allegedly saying he caused the violence because of his inability to object to the election results. eastman is the target of an upcoming subpoena by the january 6th committee that could be issued by midweek. we should note that nbc news has not seen the email. he said he was not necessarily blaming pence for the violence. julie tsirkin is on this for us, reporting from capitol hill. great to see you this afternoon. what more do we know about this email and eastman's comments ahead of the capitol riot?

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>> reporter: yasmin, this email obtained by "the washington post" is notable, but it's not entirely surprising. if you follow john eastman's comments in the past, as you know, he sent that memo just two days before january 6th to the former vice president and the former president basically outlining an unconstitutional path by which he said pence could have objected to the counting and overturned the election results in those seven states that they claimed this election voter fraud happened. of course, i didn't. that's why they gathered here in this building on january 6th despite that rally that happened on that day. pence did certify the election. but, listen, if you followed his comments in the past, john eastman, former campaign attorney for president trump, he said things like this in the past, a version of them. steve bannon's war room podcast is one of those places where i unearth an episode from january 2nd, 2021, that raised my ears

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and my sort of eyes on this. i want you to take a listen to that episode and hear what he said. >> are we to assume that this is going to be a climatic battle that's going to take place this week about the very question of the constitutionality of the electoral count act of 1877. >> it depends on the encourage and the spine of the individuals involved. >> that would be a nice way to say, a guy named vice president mike pence? >> yes. >> reporter: so just a couple days before january 6th, what eastman is suggesting here is that if pence doesn't object to the electoral college votes from the seven states, thus throwing this whole process over to the house because it brings that threshold under 270, he lacks the courage and a spine. i want to read you a part of the email that "the washington post" is reporting on. it says in part, the siege is because you and your boss did not do what was necessary to

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allow this to be aired in a public way so that the american people can see for themselves what happened. nbc news has reached out to eastman but has not heard back yet. >> it's disturbing. it's incredibly disturbing. julie tsirkin, thank you. coming up in our next hour, everybody. new jersey congresswoman bonnie watson coleman is going to join me with whether there's room for negotiation when it comes to the reconciliation bill. and we're going to talk about the reporting of "the washington post" and the subpoena for eastman. you don't want to miss that conversation. right now in virginia, the candidates, they are -- for governor are using this last weekend before election day to reach as many voters as possible. you got democrats outpacing republicans in early votes. but it's a tight race. and election day could change everything as it often does. chris jansing is in virginia.

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it's great to talk to you. you've been talking to voters today, watching the last-minute push for votes. tell us what's happening. >> reporter: the intensity, yasmin, has ramped up in the final weekend. we're seeing both of the candidates out there in force. i think we have some pictures we can show you. glenn youngkin in manassas today, 1 of 50 stops in ten days. he's been remarkably consistent in his messaging. 20-minute or so stump speech focusing on the cultural issues, things like lgbtq and whether or not a book like "beloved" should be taught in schools, focusing on parents and saying this current administration is taking away your rights to decide how and what your child learns. we saw lots of signs coming over here, parents for youngkin. on the other hand, 19 stops today for the guy who never seems to get tired. and terry mcauliffe is really

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putting it out there. this is trump. this is essentially somebody who is going to bring a return to trump. when you have polls that are so tight, when you aggregate all the polls, you're looking at less than 1% between the two candidates, these messages going out there in force and we already have a pretty big million-plus number of people who have voted early, but they're both doing that final push now to get people to the polls on election day, yasmin. >> chris, these polls, we're looking at them now, they're neck and neck. you talked about what the democratic push is and what the republican push here as well. what exactly -- what more is mcauliffe doing to get this thing over the finish line on his part when you see such an incredibly close race? >> reporter: yeah, we've heard a lot about this, enthusiasm gap, how the democrats have to close it. i can tell you on the ground this weekend, they feel they're making some inroads in places

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like this, the suburban vote. it's so critical. it was incredibly important for joe biden. he won this county by 25 points. terry mcauliffe is going to need those kinds of numbers. in neighborhoods like this, all over this area, there are folks going out with groups, grassroots groups like swing left. 120 people came out today just in this county. what's motivating it? >> focuses are excited. there's obviously been a lot of attention on this election in the past few months, the tv ads -- >> most expensive governor's race in virginia's history. >> we're seeing that at the doors, on tv. but -- i think focuses know this is an election and they know what's at stake -- >> reporter: let's talk about that. i wonder what you think the message is. obviously, the messaging from youngkin has closed this gap to razor-tight. what's going to be the message on your side that you think could help mcauliffe? >> this is simple.

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virginia democrats have an incredible record of, you know, big, policy wins in this state over the last few years. both terry mcauliffe was a very successful governor. virginia is one of the best places in the country for business. over the past couple years, we've seen minimum wage increase, expanded access to health care, mental health funding. there's so much that virginia democrats have gotten done for virginians. there's a reason that joe biden delivered the state by ten points in 2020. there's a reason that barack obama was voted president by this state two times. these are issues that matter with voters and it's the reason glenn youngkin doesn't want to talk about them. >> i know you guys have been canvassing. thank you so much. we appreciate it. we're going to see a lot more of this kind of last-minute push from both of these campaigns. again, we are just, oh, less than two hours away from the polls closing. early voting will be over and

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it's all down to election day. >> we'll be watching until election night. great to see you. thank you, my friend. still ahead, new information in the deadly film set shooting involving alec baldwin as the blame game heats up. who could ultimately face charges in connection with this tragedy. an about-face from facebook. is a name change enough to rebrand the platform still facing criticism? that's coming up. ticism that's coming up ♪♪ your new pharmacy is here. to help you compare prices, and save on your medication. amazon prime members get select meds as low as $1 a month. who knew it could be this easy? your new pharmacy is amazon pharmacy. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people

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welcome back. in the wake of that fatal shooting of cinematographer of halyna hutchins on a movie set, investigators are trying to piece together how this happened and if anybody is liable. i was on the ground there in new mexico covering this story and we had some major developments there this week. according to an affidavit, the assistant director told authorities that he should have checked the gun that killed hutchins more thoroughly. chief among the new developments, the armorer from the movie set said she had no idea where the live ammunition came from and accused the production of unsafe practices. the film's production company which includes baldwin have not commented on that statement from the armorer. but they did say, quote, we were not made aware of any official complaints made about weapons or prop safety on the set. the sheriff did say this about the armorer's statement. >> we appreciate the statement given by ms. gutierrez-reed.

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i think it raises more questions than it does answers. >> joining me now is msnbc legal analyst danny cevallos. i agree with the sheriff there having reported on this the last couple of days. i didn't answer a lot of questions. in fact, i kind of wondered who it was who was legally representing her. i felt like there was a possibility there was more exposure there when it comes to her statement. she talks about in this statement how she puts blame on the fact that she was actually working two jobs versus one and you tweeted about this. you said the "rust" armorer's legal team said she was one person forced to do two jobs. that's a double-edge sword. there's blame on the bosses, but it sounds like an admission that she gave only 50% to the armorer job. >> yeah. i agree with you and the sheriff. i think that statement -- i'm sure her council are very good at what they do. but respectfully, i think that

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statement they issued was a bit of a stumble. because it does raise questions. but she does attempt to blame the producers. she's saying that, hey, they made me do two jobs. essentially -- and i'm pair phrasing, i couldn't do either of them well. it sounds like an admission that, look, i wasn't doing my job to the best of my ability. at the same time, she also tries to blame other producers and other folks. she says something very cryptic statement that she's never had an accidental discharge on set, yeah, except this one. you're saying that this one is not attributed to her, that may not play well publicly. folks are going to say that she's one of the people with responsibility, arguably absolute responsibility, maybe even strict liability in people's minds for whenever a firearm goes off or discharges on set. >> there's more in this statement, danny, where she says that she pushed for more training days, but was, in fact,

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overruled. she also said on a podcast back before the first time she had the head armorer job. i believe this was back in 2019, where she said she didn't feel like she was experienced enough to be getting the job in the first place. and i just want to be clear here. this was a podcast that she did before she had her first armorer job. this was only her second lead armorer job in her 24 years. does that expose her more? >> certainly investigators are going to look at that. it could be chalked up to, look, you're on a podcast, trying to be interesting. everyone is i feel like i'm an imposter, i feel lucky to be on the set. maybe that's what she was saying. i think far more concerning -- and i keep coming back to the statement. as a defense attorney, sometimes when your client is getting pilloried in the press, you reach a breaking point, i got to issue a statement, i got to at least try to combat all of this fire that is coming our way, so

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i understand the desire to want to put out a statement. but in the this case, it wasn't, i think, very helpful. i don't think it played well publicly. and, especially, as everybody noticed, she's blaming other people. think about it. if she says i raised concerns and they were ignored, well, this happened on your watch. so you're essentially -- it sounds like i raised these concerns, therefore, it wasn't safe and i knew it. >> and you were in charge of the firearms. you were in charge of the checks and balances in keeping everybody on set safe, full stop. and it begs the question of, why was there live ammo on the set, period, end of sentence? and that, i think, is going to be harder for investigators to nail down, hence the reason why the da saying it's going to take quite some time for them to figure out what they're going to do. thank you as always. before i let you go, i just want to quick transition here, who is

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this person that -- who is that? >> that's me at trunk or treat here in new jersey. not 20 minutes ago. i just took off my dragon costume with my daughter and now there we are. >> being the best dad in the world as we know you are. happy halloween, my friend. appreciate you joining us and taking time-out from the family, obviously, on an incredibly big news day. enjoy the rest of your weekend and get your costume back on. still ahead, what is in a name? >> just facebook. it's cleaner. >> the social network formally known as facebook hoping a rebrand can rehab its image. but it may just be meta only in name. y basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste

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so this week, facebook took a giant and unmistakable step

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towards a complete overhaul re-branding itself as meta, complete with a new logo and mission. that's about it. so the social media giant's leadership remains the same, it's troubled relations with the biden administration remains the same and the controversy its facing have not gone anywhere. what is this rebrand hoping to accomplish as groups creating and spreading disinformation continue to run rampant across its platforms. i want to bring in angelo carusone, president of media matters. thanks for joining us on this saturday afternoon. we appreciate seeing you. give me first your reaction to this name change, this rebrand, right, but that's kind of it, full stop, nothing else really changed, right? is this kind of -- >> that's right. is this really a distraction from what's been going on internally and what we have now realized as to what facebook has been doing? >> certainly. that's one of the objectives,

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right. it's going to be harder to report, it muddies the waters a little bit. my initial reaction is there are two things about this that really stuck out to me. one is that zuckerberg is the face of it. it is not even -- they went through the process of changing their name, right? but they had the spokesperson as being mark zuckerberg. he presented it and ultimately he's the decisionmaker. all the harms, reporting, problems with facebook begin and end with him. this is a signal that he's not going to change and whatever is in store in the future isn't going to be different. the second takeaway was more disturbing. it's embedded within this announcement was actually a business plan and what they said was they're going to be taking this more to young people, they're going to be redoubling their efforts on targeting -- on younger audiences and moving them into the larger facebook universe. and that means that not only are we facing a future where all of

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the harms remain, but they actually start to intensify the more that facebook uses its market dominance and its rous to pull more and more young people into the fold. >> why would i trust my child to get on a platform like facebook knowing what's going on there? i don't want my kid opening up facebook and being driven to sites that promote, you know, eating disorders, whether it be a girl or a boy, things like that, where -- i mean, it's just not necessarily comforting to know they're not making the changes and putting things in place to make sure this information isn't spread. i want you to expand a little bit on your reporting for media matters because i think it's fascinating. the media matters identifying over 1,000 active facebook groups dedicated to promoting covid-19 or election misinformation with over 2.2 million combined members. they're doing still nothing at this point to stop this. >> right. some of the reporting that came out was about stop the steal and how that became a part of the facebook group ecosystem and

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they had to deal with it. what we were trying to point out, it goes way beyond that. there are 918 groups that we found or dedicated to pushing covid disinformation right now, antipublic health policies, and then on top of that, there are 203 groups that are pushing election misinformation. some of them are basic stop the steal groups that are still alive and well and a lot of them are pushing bogus voter fraud. we found that facebook is spending millions of dollars running ads on platforms targeting young people to move them into the facebook group ecosystem. so narrow running ads on twitch and youtube and elsewhere directly saying, this is where you can do all this amazing stuff and directly putting those ads in front of people. we have the problems. they have the receipts and now they're trying to spread it. here's the larger conversation which is, leadership change,

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right? that is what we've been natural talking about. if they're not going to make the changes that need to happen, then will facebook go through a massive leadership change. i'm talking top down. the likelihood, though, of that happening, what is it? is that what needs to happen to see real change? >> yes. either they need it to change, which they haven't, and i think this rebrand, the way they've dealt with it, demonstrates they have no intention of making any meaningful adjustments there. i don't see that they're being any impetus for a leadership change. he inoculated himself on the types of market pressures and shareholder powers that would enforce that. and the third option is that it's going to require regulatory process, it's going to require actual government intervention to put in place the protections and the countermeasures through all the harm that is have now been well established. we're still a democracy and

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facebook is a threat to our democracy and public health. >> which actually has the ability to get through because it seems like this is probably the one area in which both republicans and democrats can agree on something. while we're watching build back better take a heck of a long time to get over the finish line, it seems like regulatory process when it comes to facebook could be sooner. thanks so much. we appreciate it, great to talk to you this afternoon. >> thank you. major meeting as president biden negotiates with european allies on what to do about iran. after the break, evelyn farkas, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for russia meets with us. we will be right back. or russia meets with us. we will be right back. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience,

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chancellor angela merkel. in a joint statement, the leaders called on iran to change course and return to jcpoa compliance in order to have sanctions lifted. it's coming a day after the u.s. imposed new sanctions on iran related to its drone program and less than a week after teheran's announcements that nuclear talks would return. joining me now is evelyn farkas, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for russia. thanks for joining us. i guess give me your reaction, first, to the joint statement that we heard coming out of the g-20 today, when it came to returning to an iran nuclear agreement. >> obviously, the europeans continue to press very aggressively for a return to negotiations. and it seems that there's an opening because the iranians have been indicated they'll do

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so and what i read into that is that, something has happened behind the scenes to change the calculus. and it probably has a lot to do with israel and the fact that prime minister bennett, who has been discussing this with president biden and other counterparts have been discussing, they have a plan "b." and i think that the administration has become sufficiently concerned that plan "a" is not going to work, that they've probably convinced the europeans and perhaps the iranians that we would seriously consider this plan "b" if there is no negotiation. >> here's the issue, and you well know this, iran can oftentimes be its own worst enemy when it comes to negotiation like this and they kind of like to keep the upper hand, right? one of the reasons why it seems like they have returned to enriching iranian above levels that were agreed upon in the jcpoa, look what we're doing, if you want us to stop, lift our

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sanctions. subsequently, china, russia not at the meeting today. two big players that need to be involved to really get iran on board. >> well, i think -- certainly russia needs to be involved because they have been involved in terms of getting rid of some of the fuel, the nuclear fuel and we -- the united states, our european allies have considered russia an important component of this, and russia has a long history of working with iranian scientists on their nuclear program. back when they were considering it a nonnuclear weapons program. so, yes, and certainly we don't want china to do anything to circumvent the negotiations or make the iranians think they're off the hook. and to the extent that china is buying fuel, that provides them with some kind of a way out of the sanctions pressure. but i think that the fact that we've put new sanctions on them is also significant, yasmin. >> i'm wondering, right, we know

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at this point the president has continued the trump policy towards china, we're talking, obviously, tariffs on china and a kind of general pivot toward asia in general. do you think this weakens the president's hand? >> i don't think it does, because, actually, what the president has done is, he's very -- he's been really very capable in terms of bringing the europeans on board. when i was in the pentagon in 2015 and they did the pivot, all the european -- to asia, the europeans were really upset. we've now reached the point where the europeans are concerned about china's actions across the board in terms of the loans that they provided to senior europes in order to get leverage. of course the espionage. china has increasingly been viewed as a threat by the european union. and so the fact that we have the europeans on board with us actually is really strengthened president biden's hand. and it's a combination of the

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chinese actions, aggressive foreign policy, but also together with that, our good foreign policy under president biden, which has reached out very clearly to allies across the world, i should point out. >> evelyn farkas, thank you as always. great to see you. >> thank you. coming up, everybody. an fda approval for the kids that could be a game changer in this pandemic. what parents need to know about misinformation surrounding the shot. zblienkts mation surrounding the shot zblienkt . congressman adam schiff is here to talk about the biden agenda and what it will take to secure our democracy. plus natalie morales on her new film. all of that is straight ahead, 6:00 p.m. eastern, american voices right here on msnbc. worto build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party.

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12:48 pm

with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. welcome back. the showdown intensifying over covid vaccine mandates for

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municipal workers across this country, including right here in new york city. police officers, firefighters, and other city workers must now show proof of vaccination or risk losing their jobs. but unions are warning of a potentially catastrophic shortage of first responders starting on monday. gabe gutierrez has more. >> reporter: as new york city's covid vaccine mandate for municipal workers kicked in, unions warned of the potential for closed firehouses and longer emergency response times. >> new york city is going to come to a crisis on monday morning. >> reporter: the city said just 67% of its firefighters had received at least one dose. those who don't get the shot, face unpaid leave starting monday. six firefighters have been suspended for driving a ladder truck while on duty to a state's senator office and threatening the staff over the covid vaccine mandate. from coast to coast, more

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showdowns over shots. los angeles county sheriff is calling his area's covid vaccine mandate an eminent threat to public safety, saying it's causing a mass exodus within his department. also in california, popular dow rather than comply with mandates. >> i can see where they're coming from, that it's not their job to, as they put it, be vaccine police. >> reporter: ten states filed a new lawsuit against the biden administration's vaccine requirement for federal contractors. iowa's governor signed a new law allowing workers fired for noncompliance with covid vaccine mandates to receive unemployment benefits. next tuesday, a new deadline for the air force. up to 12,000 personnel have rejected orders to get fully vaccinated, despite a pentagon mandate. still, the vast majority of active duty airmen, more than 96%, are at least partially vaccinated. word that the u.s. supreme court won't block a covid vaccine

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mandate for health care workers in maine. back in new york city, officials say the last-minute push is working. nypd now reporting more than 80% compliance, up from 70% last week. >> i think we're heading in the right direction. a turning point in the fight against covid. the fda authorizing kids ages 5 to 11 to receive the pfizer vaccine, leaving cdc approval the final hurdle before we could see shots in arms. that's expected the next couple of days. this is coming days after an fda advisory committee voted 17-0, with one abstention, in favor of recommending the vaccine for children. joining me is dr. uji blackstock. doctor, this is a huge game changer. as a mom of two young children, one who just turned 5, the other 3 so not yet qualified, i'm incredibly excited. talk to me about how this could change things. >> right. thank you so much for having me.

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so we had 28 million children between 5 and 11 years old, and we've actually seen them bear the brunt of covid over the last few months during the delta surge. you've had about 8,300 hospitalizations of children in that age group, about 150 deaths. for 2021, covid is going to be in the top ten causes of death in this age demographic. that is why the vaccine is a game changer. this is a vaccine-preventible illness, we have vaccine with minimal side effects or risks. so obviously i know parents are concerned. but the data that we have so far looks great. it's safe and effective. and once it's approved, i'm sure a significant number of parents will want to get their children vaccinated. >> let's talk about a specific side effect that some parents are concerned about, because i think it's important to dispel some of the rumors and misinformation that people are

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hearing. and that is myocarditis. it was a rare side effect that older boys, it seems, developed when getting the covid vaccine. and i will say, the pfizer trial showed no cases of myocarditis among kids. explain to us why this should not be a reason for you to decide whether to get a vaccine for a kid. >> this is really important because it is the most concerning risk of the vaccine, myocarditis. we saw that in the young adult to teenage age group. it was still quite rare about 16 in 100,000 people developed myocarditis. however, it is self-limited, meaning it resolves very quickly, doesn't require any significant hospitalization. but one thing to keep in mind is that children's risk of developing myocarditis from covid is five times that of developing it from the vaccine

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itself. when you weigh the benefits and the risks of this vaccine, really, you need to vaccinate your children. because that's safer than leaving your child unvaccinated. we have actually a higher risk of developing the side effect of the vaccine if they remain unvaccinated and they get infected. >> correct me if i'm wrong, the kids that did develop myocarditis, they recovered on their own without any treatment at all? >> yes, yes, exactly. so many of them recovered spontaneously. it's a self-limited process, meaning that no interventions are actually required. so obviously it is of the type of myocarditis, a more benign process. >> is this a potential path on returning to normal? are we finally getting there? >> i think it will in that it will increase the number of people who are vaccinated. we know about one-third of parents have said they would

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definitely get their children vaccinated, another third are wait and see. we have 28 million 5 to 11-year-olds. so that's a significant number of people. i will say that i think that we do need between 80% and 90% of people vaccinated before we can see getting back to normal. so we're still going to have to talk to pediatricians, family physicians, school nurses, get them involved in helping to really engage with parents to encourage vaccinations. >> i need you to comment on this "newsweek" cover. basically showing a picture of a young child saying, would you give this kid a shot? as a physician, is this damaging? >> you know, i think it's fearmongering. i think that it's a dog whistle to people who are anti-vaccine. i think that, especially at this time, really critical time point right now where we need to get more people vaccinated, this is very irresponsible reporting. the image itself i think is potentially incredibly harmful. so that was very disappointing

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that "newsweek" put out that image. really need to put out accurate, responsible messaging about this vaccine. >> dr. blackstock, thank you, good to see you. coming up next hour, we're going to take you back to rome where president biden hopes to make progress on his g20 trip. also what he left behind here at home. new jersey congresswoman bonnie watson coleman joins me live whether there will be ads for the reconciliation bill for a tuesday vote. victory for now for a texas mom fighting for her nonbinary child. danielle miller returns with an update. >> they will know that i respect and adore everything that they are, despite everything that a school district has showed them, they are safe. mm. [ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth.

12:57 pm

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12:59 pm

1:00 pm

♪♪ welcome back. i'm yasmin vossoughian. when you're still with us, thank you for sticking around. if you're just joining us, welcome. president biden wrapping up his day with world leaders at the g20 summit, as back home his fellow democrats continue to try to get his economic agenda to the finish line. >> the votes on the progressive side are there for this bill, and we believe that it could be voted on and passed through even wi

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