singed guide Season 12 (2025)

singed guide Season 12 (1)
What is Proxying? [WIP]

Proxying is an incredibly interesting mechanism in League of Legends, in a game overpopulated by the exact same gameplay, proxying has stood defiantly as the most consistent and unique playstyle in the game. For those who aren't aware of what proxying is, it is the act of (As Singed) starting level 1 inbetween the enemies towers so that it is only you and the enemy minion wave. You kite the minion waves whilst inbetween the first and second (Or second and third) enemy top towers. This process allows you to get perfect farm, as well as avoiding the enemy top laner on top of forcing them to either face-tank your minion wave (Which will chunk them in most cases) or letting the minion waves crash into their tower without any push back from their minion wave (As those minions are occupied with being killed by you). A lot of players try to proxy the first 3 waves, then they execute to a tower, then they buy items and run back to lane so at level 3 they have an item advantage without losing out on anything so they can have an advantage in lane. There are a LOT of different things that can impact this however, and that's what makes this section so difficult to do justice to.

What's Good About Proxying?

Proxying can be a game winning tactic, but more often than not it's seen as troll and can fail pretty miserably. So what's good about it? The main benefit of proxying is the amount of pressure you bring to the map, when you're in-between the top towers you're effectively saying "Hey, you have to stop farming and come stop me or I'll get super fed on minions", this pressure that comes from the way you choose to farm means the enemy top laner has to either 1. Stop you and lose farm or 2. Leave you to free farm, and tank minions under tower which chunks them and the tower. As you can see, there's no winning for the enemy top laner. In addition to causing a headache for the enemy top laner, the enemy jungler will likely want to try and pick up some free kills on you (As you'll be low health away from your allies/towers) and so will dedicate a lot of time to preventing your proxy, which is actually a really good thing. Getting camped by the jungler is normally awful, but when you're playing proxy you're looking to attract the attention of the top laner, mid laner, and jungler so that your mid laner and jungler are free to gank bot lane and secure dragons and first towers etc. in turn getting your carries fed. If the enemy jungler is constantly top then your mid laner and ADC have the jungler priority so that they can (hopefully) use that advantage to push a lead and snowball the game into carrying you. If you find the enemy jungler is hard-camping you and they're not committing much, try to waste as much of their time as possible, get them to chase you around and bait with your low health when ganked ( Ghost comes in handy here), your main goal is to create a lot of pressure and to divert pressure from your other laners so that they can take control of the map.

What's Bad About Proxying?

This beautiful image of a world where Singed can pretty much solo carry through proxying has faded a LOT in recent seasons. With the advent of bounties and changes to respawn timers as well as it being easier for a lot of popular champions to snowball AS WELL as Rift Herald being added to bring some objectives attention to the top side of the map, proxy Singed is nowhere near what it used to be. You'll find a lot of gank heavy junglers which don't need to commit much to kill you (Such as Kha'Zix, Nidalee, Xin Zhao, etc.)will snowball off your attempts at proxying, and often if a jungler starts top side for their buff they'll come and pick you off before finishing their clear. If you don't get the first three waves then the level 1 proxy wasn't necessarily worth it because you won't have enough money for Corrupting Potion and Boots (Unless you have Future's Market). The higher elo you get the harder to proxy it is because it's so popular a notion now due to Singed420 that everyone semi-expects Singed players to try the level 1 proxy, so very often their entry into the enemy jungle is blocked off by the top laner. Changes in runes means it's difficult to find a keystone that works well (Other than simply going Aftershock for the beefiness). Most people opt to play Singed as a laner and only proxy a couple of waves when they can get away with it. There are so many risks that come with proxying that it's generally considered to NOT be a viable method of climbing.

Blue side start

singed guide Season 12 (2)

Red Side Start

singed guide Season 12 (3)

Double Proxying

First of all, a disclaimer. Double proxying will likely get you reported and is extremely high risk high reward and so I wouldn't recommend it in ranked.

The general idea of this strategy is to go into the enemy base and use the close proximity of the top and mid lane waves spawning (Both from the enemy nexus) to draw aggro from both waves and proxy them both, this allows your mid laner to push for tower in the mid lane and allows you to get double to gold from farming you normally would. I discuss this further in my Playing Proxy series, but you generally want to see the enemy bot laners in their lane, enemy mid in their lane, and enemy top in their lane, before you go into the enemy base (Otherwise your double proxy might be stopped by people coming from base).

singed guide Season 12 (2025)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.